Monday, March 23, 2020

Felidae is a family of mammals in the order Carnivora, colloquially referred to as cats.  A member of this family is called a felid.  The term "cat" refers both to felids in general and specifically to domestic cats.  The characteristic features of cats have evolved to support a carnivorous lifestyle, with adaptations for ambush or stalking and short pursuit hunting.  They have slender muscular bodies, strong flexible forelimbs and retractable claws for holding prey, dental and cranial adaptations for a strong bite, and often have characteristic striped or spotted coat patterns for camouflage.  Felidae comprises two subfamilies, the Pantherinae and the Felinae.  The former includes the five Panthera species tigerlionjaguarleopard, and snow leopard, as well as the two Neofelis species clouded leopard and Sunda clouded leopard.  The subfamily Felinae includes 12 genera and 34 species, such as the bobcatcaracalcheetahcougarocelot, and common domestic cat.  Read extensive article and see graphics at

Gemelli are a type of pasta.  The name derives from the Italian word for “twins”.  Gemeli are not separate pieces of pasta. Gemelli are not twin tubes twisted around one another, as they may appear to be, but rather a single s-shaped strand twisted into a spiral.  Gemelli are also called unicorn horns.

Gemelli with Sweet Sausage and Spinach

Historians speculate that the term “cabin fever” was first used to describe early US settlers who experienced long winters alone in their log cabins, essentially snowed in until the spring thaw.  The term dates back to the 19th century American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms and is first recorded in 1918, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary.  The origin of “cabin fever” may also date from the time of frequent trans-Atlantic voyages, when people endured the long passage across the ocean in small, cramped ship cabins.  Suffering from this condition is similar to going “stir crazy,” a term that originates from the mid-19th century slang term “stir” which meant prison.  “Stir crazy” was typically used to describe the disturbed behavior of inmates in prison suffering from the effects of a long incarceration.  See also 21 Ways to Beat Cabin Fever by Alex Buczynski at

Mole Day is October 23 from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. in honor of Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 1023).  mole is a unit of measurement used when existing measurements are inadequate, and its particle measurement is based on Avogadro's number.  Like Pi Day, which is celebrated on March 14 because it mirrors pi (3.14), Mole Day is celebrated on either October 23 or June 2, because those dates are similar to Avogadro's number.  Anne Marie Helmenstine  See Mole Day definitions, jokes and pledges at

The "Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, Volume 1, H-O" by J.E. Lighter, Random House, New York, 1994, has this entry:  "moley n. (pop.  As a characteristic exclamation of 'Captain Marvel,' hero of a series of comic books begun 1940, first written by C.C. Beck; perhaps reflecting 'moly' 'magic herb in Greek mythology', in allusion to the invocation of mythological figures as a source of the character's powers; perhaps euphemism and rhyming alteration of 'holy Moses.'  In phrase:  'holy moley' (used as an exclamation of surprise).  1949 'Capt. Marvel Adventures, in Barrier & Williams 'Book of Comics' 87:  Holey Moley!  He got away."

·  It can enclose and protect, comfort and inspire, oppress and entrap.  Suzanne Redfearn recommends six novels where architecture is more than just a setting. | CrimeReads  ·  Reading is one of Witherspoon’s superpowers.  Ann Patchett profiles Reese Witherspoon. | Vanity Fair  ·  A fun fact for Womens History Month:   according to The NPD Group, female authors accounted for a significant majority of the top 100 literary fiction sales in 2019. | Yahoo Finance  March 18, 2020

The NPD Group, Inc. (NPD; formerly National Purchase Diary Panel Inc. and NPD Research Inc.) is an American market research company founded on September 28, 1966 and based in Port Washington, New York.

The ACM A.M. Turing Award is an annual prize given by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to an individual selected for contributions "of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field".  The Turing Award is generally recognized as the highest distinction in computer science and thus as the "Nobel Prize of Computing".  The award is named after Alan Turing, who was a British mathematician and reader in mathematics at the University of Manchester.  Turing is often credited as being the key founder of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.  From 2007 to 2013, the award was accompanied by an additional prize of US$250,000, with financial support provided by Intel and Google.  Since 2014, the award has been accompanied by a prize of US$1 million, with financial support provided by Google. The 2019 Turing prize was awarded to Ed Catmull and Pat Hanrahan.  See picture of Stephen Kettle's slate statue of Alan Turing at

The Botany of Desire:  a Plant’s Eye View of the World by Michael Pollan   four parts:  sweetness—the apple; beauty—the tulip; intoxication—marijuana; and control—the potato  See Botany of Desire quotes at

Orange, Almond & Date Bites by Hetal Vasavada   If you’re looking for a healthy dessert recipe, I am giving you one right here.  This bite is a cross between a nut bar and a praline.  The maple syrup and honey caramelize and harden slightly giving you a crunchy, nutty bite with just a hint of sweetness.  Perfect for your next hiking trip!  Find recipe excerpted from Milk & Cardamom: Spectacular Cakes, Custards and More, Inspired by the Flavors of India © 2019 Page Street Publishing at

Memento mori is a Latin phrase meaning ‘remember you must die’.  A basic memento mori painting would be a portrait with a skull but other symbols commonly found are hour glasses or clocks, extinguished or guttering candles, fruit, and flowers.  Closely related to the memento mori picture is the vanitas still life.  In addition to the symbols of mortality these may include other symbols such as musical instruments, wine and books to remind us explicitly of the vanity (in the sense of worthlessness) of worldly pleasures and goods.  The term originally comes from the opening lines of the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible:  Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities, all is vanity.’

Five Home Workouts to Do During the Coronavirus Outbreak - Experts say it’s important to still get exercise while we’re hunkered down.  Find specially designed workouts you can do at home:  The Wall Street Journal  March 23, 3030  p. A11
                                                                                 Issue 2244  March 23, 2020

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