Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 26, 2025 email from Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz  (Wade was elected mayor of Toledo, Ohio on November 7, 2017 and took the oath of office on January 2, 2018, becoming the 58th mayor of the city.) 

Today we broke ground on the Glen and Grand apartments which will bring a total of 70 new affordable housing units to Toledo.  The Grand townhomes are at the former Driggs Dairy site in the Englewood Neighborhood, which is one of the City's Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas.  Adding these new units not only provides stable, affordable housing for Toledoans, it replaces a formerly blighted property and allows the City to accomplish two goals we have for creating and maintaining neighborhood vitality in Toledo.  Together, these projects represent key steps in our efforts to provide much-needed affordable, safe, and quality housing to our residents.  Both developments are integral to our strategy to expand housing options for families across Toledo, generating approximately $30 million in investment, creating over 250 construction jobs, and significantly increasing the city’s tax base.  Last week, I joined business and community leaders for a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new Innovation Post at the Jefferson Center. We expect the new tenants–Wurtec Incorporated, WorkSpring, Junior Achievement of Northwestern Ohio, and SEGULA Technologies USA–to bring approximately 170 new jobs to Toledo's Uptown area.

The United States has 11 time zones.  Canada has 6 time zones.  Denmark has 5 time zones.  Cyprus has 1 time zone.  Find times zones in countries at

50 Extremely Common Things That Literally Every Person On Earth Has Been Calling The Wrong Name Their Entire Life  Thank you, Muse reader!   

El Tipico Restaurant   1444 South AveToledo, OH 43609-2108   419-382-0661  “Ohio's only Fresh & Organic Mexican Restaurant.  We have the largest menu for Organic, Gluten Free, Vegetarian & Vegan meals.”  Founded in 1968 by Ezekiel & Consuelo Villa.  open 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Thurs.-Sat.

The Muser and a faithful Muse reader ate lunch at El Tipico on February 26, 2025.  Wonderful.   

Fresh Huevos Rancheros recipe:   This classic huevos rancheros recipe features fresh pico de gallo on top.  Huevos rancheros is a vegetarian Mexican breakfast with eggs, tortillas and salsa.   

“The beauty of sand . . . smooth, sheeny, satiny; fine as diamond dust . . . like a snowdrift turned to gold.”  Empress of the Nile by Lynne Olson    

February 12, 2025  Books by Lynne Olson:  Madame Fourcade’s Secret War is about a woman—a young mother of two who just happened to be the leader of France’s largest Allied spy network during World War II.  Empress of the Nile follows in Madame Fourcade’s footsteps.  It’s about another strong-willed, trailblazing, history-making woman who fought back against the Germans—an Egyptologist named Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt, who after the war was responsible for the greatest archaeological rescue in history.  My latest book, The Sisterhood of Ravensbrück, which will be published on June 3, 2025, is the third volume in this trilogy of books about remarkable, previously unsung heroines of the French Resistance.  Sisterhood focuses on a group of audacious French résistantes who were captured by the Gestapo and sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp, where they banded together to help each other survive and to sabotage the German war effort.   

Just to add a little info on Unigov since I knew some of these folks . . .  The person who actually wrote much of the legislation that created Unigov (in cooperation with Servaas and Dick Lugar) was Charles LeRoy Whistler.  If you are curious, Google "whistler unigov" and you'll get plenty of info.  Thank you, Muse reader!  Issue 2913  February 27, 2025 

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