Monday, April 14, 2008

PLoL, The Public Library of Law offers free cases, statutes, regulations, rules, constitutions and forms.
PLoL has been created by the legal research system Fastcase.

Why do they call them station wagons? They were wagons to carry passengers and cargo from railroad stations.
Other kinds of wheeled vehicles: limousine, phaeton, roadster, coupe, runabout, sedan, cabriolet, brougham, landau, speedster, convertible

Voyager: The Golden Record (last updated February 15, 2004)
The twin Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft each carry with them a golden record bearing images, sounds, and music which an alien civilization may use someday to get a better understanding of humanity.
What is on this record?
118 pictures, depicting such things as the solar system, the structure of DNA, human anatomy and development, Boston, the Taj Mahal, the United Nations, a page from the Isaac Newton's System of the World, a sunset, and the score of quarter and violin for the Cavatina from Beethoven's String Quarter No. 13;
Sounds of the Earth, such as human footsteps and laughter, volcanoes, crickets, an infant's cries, and a message in Morse Code, "Ad astra per aspera" ("To the stars by hard ways," which is Kansas's state motto); and
27 pieces of music from around the world listed at link below.
2008 Golden Record information from NASA

omission of one or more sounds making it easier to pronounce
tempature rather than temperature
vegtable rather than vegetable
addition of a sound, usually between two other sounds, creating a rhythm
ath-a-lete rather than athlete
sherbert rather than sherbet

On this day: April 14
In 1828 Noah Webster published his American Dictionary of the English Language.
In 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was shot in the back of the head while watching a performance of the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.
In 1894 Thomas Edison's first kinetoscope appeared in a New York City arcade.
In 1935 a windstorm “like a black tidal wave” hit a part of the Great Plains known as the Dust Bowl. It would be known as Black Sunday.
In 1939 John Steinbeck published his novel about the farmers displaced by the Dust Bowl drought: The Grapes of Wrath.
The Writer’s Almanac

History of Edison Motion Pictures: Origins of Motion Pictures--the Kinetoscope

Regional travels: southwest Florida
The Everglades and the Ten Thousand Islands is a rare and beautiful place. It is one of North America's unsung wild places--a beautiful, rugged, subtropical landscape experienced by a relatively few adventurous souls each year.

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