Monday, January 29, 2024

Calrose is a medium grain rice variety, notable for being the founding variety of the California rice industry.  Calrose (USDA # C.I. 8988) originated from and was developed at the Rice Experiment Station near Biggs, California, and released to California growers in 1948.  It grew in popularity with growers, marketers, and consumers to become the prominent rice variety in California until the late 1970s.  Specific processing and cooking properties were associated with Calrose.  Over the years, improved new varieties of Calrose grain cooking and processing characteristics were released.  These medium-sized grains were commingled with Calrose in storage, and later replaced the variety in commercial production, due to their superior performance at many levels.  Although that variety of Calrose is no longer grown, Calrose has become a name recognized both in trade and the marketplace for the California-type, medium-grain rice.  The name "rose" indicates its medium-grain shape ("Blue Rose" is an earlier medium-grain developed in Louisiana), and "Cal" pays homage to California, the state of the grain’s origin and production.  Eighty percent of the California rice crop is Calrose rice.  

“Life is too short to stuff a mushroom.”― Shirley Conran  

Saint Edward Mission  Founded:  1964  Location:  North Washington Ave & 7th Street, Pulaski VA  The Muser’s mother lived in this house until it was burned down by a resident when it became a boarding home.   

Pulaski, Virginia sprang up at the coming of the railroad and was first known as Martin's Tank.  Governor John Floyd lived nearby.  The county seat was moved here from Newbern in 1894.  The town, like the county, was named for Count Casimir Pulaski, killed in the siege of Savannah, 1779.  It was incorporated in 1886.  Zinc and iron were early industries.   

10 Sour Cream Substitutes That Work Just Like the Real Thing  See also  

Collectively, whales, dolphins and porpoises are known as cetaceans.  Cetacean species are divided into two groups.

(1)  Baleen whales – these are the “great whales” and as their name suggests they all have baleen plates that are used to filter their food (which consists of plankton and small species of fish).  

(2)  Toothed whales (otherwise known as odontocetes and including all species of dolphin and porpoise) – which as you would expect, have teeth, and eat larger prey items, including at times, other marine mammals.  The main differences with porpoises are that they are usually smaller than other toothed whales and instead of cone-shaped teeth they have flat, spade-shaped teeth.  As a general rule of thumb, baleen whales are larger and slower (except the fin whale which is known as the “greyhound of the sea”) than toothed whales.   Additionally, ALL baleen whales have two blowholes whereas toothed whales only have one.  

Differences between a dolphin and a porpoise  The biggest difference is size, with all species of porpoise being that much smaller than their dolphin cousins.  Porpoises don't have the pronounced beak that most, but not all dolphins have and they also have different shaped teeth.  Porpoise teeth are spade-shaped whilst dolphins are conical.  A dolphin has a hooked or curved dorsal fin (except for those species that don't have a dorsal fin) whereas a porpoise has a more triangular dorsal fin, and generally speaking, dolphin bodies are leaner, although porpoises’ are a little more chunky.  Dolphins are also more "talkative" than porpoises.  The whistles made by dolphins are produced through their blowholes and although porpoises do not do this, possibly due to structural differences in the porpoise’s blowhole, they can still be pretty noisy as they "puff" the air out when they surface.  Dolphins and porpoises also have many similarities, one of which is their extreme intelligence.  As research evolves, it is likely that more (or perhaps fewer) differences between dolphins and porpoises will be revealed.  

beauty sleep noun (countable and uncountableplural beauty sleeps) (idiomatic)  (uncountable) Originally, sleep taken before midnight, on the belief that early sleep hours conduce to beauty and health; now (chiefly humorous), sleep at any time needed by one to stay beautiful(countable) an instance of such sleep. [from early 19th c.] quotations ▼  (uncountable, chiefly humorous) Extra sleep; also (generally), any sleep; (countable) an instance of this; an extra napsynonym ▲quotations ▼  Synonym:  beauty rest  The Walt Disney animated musical film Sleeping Beauty premiered on January 29, in the United States 65 years ago in 1959.  Issue 2776  January 29, 2024 

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