Monday, June 20, 2022

The Society of the Cincinnati was founded by officers at the Continental Army encampment at Newburgh, New York, in May 1783.  The organization took its name from the ancient Roman hero Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, an embodiment of civic virtue.  Its founding document, the Institution, outlined the aims of the new organization:  to perpetuate the memory of the War for Independence, maintain the fraternal bonds between the officers, promote the ideals of the Revolution, support members and their families in need, distinguish its members as men of honor, and advocate for the compensation promised to the officers by Congress.  To achieve these aims, the Society called on its members to contribute a month’s pay.  In order to perpetuate their fellowship, the founders made membership hereditary.  George Washington was the first president general of the Society.  The army’s chief of artillery, Henry Knox, was the chief author of the Institution. 

The main difference between fungible assets and nonfungible assets resides in the content they store.  While fungible tokens like Bitcoin store value, nonfungible tokens store data like an academic title or an artwork. 

In the early 16th century, the wine we call Malvasía—produced in the Canary Islands, Spain—gained international prestige thanks to its exports to England.  As England is the main destination for exports, it is not surprising that great writers of the time made reference to Canarian wines in their writings, as did William Shakespeare, who mentioned the wine as Canarian wine in his writings.  The Canarian Malvasía grapes come from Madeira, where they were planted by decree from the Portuguese nobleman Henry the Navigator, who originally imported the vines from the island of Crete.  The stock reached the Portuguese territory around 1427 and the Canary Islands almost a century later.  J.M. Towers 

News is that which makes its consumer self-important or angry enough to turn the page and so turning, encounter the ad for the carpet sale.  Chicago, a novel by David Mamet 

The Washington Post is one of the most important daily newspapers in America.  The newspaper has maintained a regional status centered in the District of Columbia while it has spread across the nation and internationally particularly with the advent of digital news.  Focusing on American political news, The Washington Post has been awarded 69 Pulitzer Prizes (second only to the New York Times), 18 Nieman Fellowships for journalists, and 368 White House News Photograph Awards.  With many historically important stories and famed journalists, The Washington Post, also stands out for its famed logo.  The bold Old English script cannot be ignored.  Here is the history of and story behind The Washington Post logo.  Its name is emboldened in a heavy script font.  The newspaper’s logo cannot be replicated in a free font.  It is called an “Engravers Old English” font and is closest to today’s “Old London Alternative” Font.  The font we see today of The Washington Post logo was created by a prolific American typeface designer and technician.  Morris Fuller Benton lived from 1870 to 1948.  He graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1896 and became the head designer at American Type Founders from 1900 until 1937.  During his tenure at ATF, Benton created over 220 logos for some of the most famous companies including The Washington Post.  Best known for his use of sans-serif or Gothic style designs, Benton crafted the technology and design of The Washington Post’s Old English style script in its logo.  Read more at  Lily Wordsmith 

A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg  lily-livered   (LIL-ee-LIV-uhrd)  adjective:  Cowardly or timid.  In earlier times, the liver was considered to be the seat of courage.  Hence, a white liver, lacking blood or bile, indicated lack of courage.  Earliest documented use:  1616. 

Wolf Hall is a 2009 historical novel by English author Hilary Mantel, published by Fourth Estate, named after the Seymour family's seat of Wolfhall, or Wulfhall, in Wiltshire.  Set in the period from 1500 to 1535, Wolf Hall is a sympathetic fictionalised biography documenting the rapid rise to power of Thomas Cromwell in the court of Henry VIII through to the death of Sir Thomas More.  The novel won both the Man Booker Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award.  In 2012, The Observer named it as one of "The 10 best historical novels".  The book is the first in a trilogy; the sequel Bring Up the Bodies was published in 2012.  The last book in the trilogy is The Mirror and the Light (2020), which covers the last four years of Cromwell's life. 

Twenty new warriors from a Chinese emperor’s massive terracotta army were uncovered by archaeologists in Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, on February 4, 2022.   China Global Television Network reported that the newly discoyvered sculptures were found in Pit No. 1, outside the emperor’s secret tomb, and remain well-preserved.  Notable among these findings are statues of a general and a middle-ranking army officer.  Pit No. 1, a section full of infantry and chariots, has a total area of 14,260 square meters.  When the excavation is complete, it is expected to yield more than 6,000 pottery figures and horses.  The Terracotta Army, created 2,200 years ago to protect emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife, is the only known collection of military sculptures produced en masse in the world.  As the country’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang unified China.  He is believed to have had an army of more than 500,000 men.  Francesca Aton 

1865 – Over two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, slaves in Galveston, Texas, United States, are officially informed of their freedom.  The anniversary was officially celebrated in Texas and other states as Juneteenth.  On June 17, 2021, Juneteenth officially became a federal holiday in the United States.  

June 19, 1902 – Guy Lombardo, Canadian-American violinist and bandleader was born (d. 1977)

1964 – The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is approved after surviving an 83-day filibuster in the United States Senate.

1978 – Garfield's first comic strip, originally published locally as Jon in 1976, goes into nationwide syndication. 

June 20, 1972 – Watergate scandal:  An 18½-minute gap appears in the tape recording of the conversations between U.S. President Richard Nixon and his advisers regarding the recent arrests of his operatives while breaking into the Watergate complex.  Issue 2534  June 20, 2022

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